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Don Akin - 918-933-7250 

Rick Peeler - 918-805-9317                                   oilcapitalsc@gmail.com   

1st and 4th Sundays of each month


Affiliated with Steel Challenge Shooting Assn national organization.  All eligible to attend or compete, both Oil Capital members and others.  Eye and ear protection required for all in the proximity to the ranges. We shoot on the 1st and 4th Sunday of each month, year round. We shoot the scheduled match unless it is cancelled by conditions extreme enough to be unsafe.  Activity participants will be updated by email. 

Sign-in begins at 9:30 AM, with walk-through at 10 AM.  Hours may vary during summer.  Match fee, collected at onsite sign-in, is $15 for Oil Capital members and $20 for others.  2nd gun is $5 for all.  All SCSA categories are recognized.  We use electronic on-bay scoring tablets. Event pre-registration on Practiscore is requested.  Contact event chair for Practiscore link for each individual match as well as to confirm if on summer hours. 

To pre-register on Practiscore you will first need to set up your personal account by going to the site.  All it requires is your email and a password that you choose, best of all it’s free.  Next take the link for the individual upcoming match as provided by the match director.  Log in and start clicking buttons.  Fill in your name, email, division, class, and category then click “register”.  After you click “register” scroll down to click “save”.   That registers you and brings up the squadding options.  You do not need to go into squadding unless you want. 

Now the Practiscore squadding.  You can do it yourself by following these instructions.  Otherwise the match director will do that part for you.  To squad for one individual, click on the squad dot.  That brings up the next button for “Select Squad”; click it.  Last go to page bottom to click the confirming “select squad” button.  That will squad that one person.  Repeat entire process, beginning at register, for 2nd gun if you choose to shoot one.

For Steel Challenge Official Rules see https://scsa.org/rules   Each match we shoot a rotating 6 of the 8 Official Classifiers; included in the Appendix B section of the Official Rules.       

Steel Challenge scoring is time plus penalties.  All targets are steel.  Stages each have 5 strings at the 5 steel targets; shoot at each target until it is hit.  The stop plate is shot last.  The competitor’s worst string per stage is removed from his stage score.  Starts are gun in hand, pointed muzzle down at an 18” tall cone 10’ forward of the shooting box.  Centerfire handgun starts are from the holster, with wrists shoulder high. Long gun start is shouldered with muzzle pointing at cone.

Pistols must be either holstered or cased when competitor is not in the shooting box or in a designated Safe Area.  Long guns are to be cased, with an empty chamber device inserted in the action.

For a beginning Steel Challenge competitor, here is your list of required equipment: eye and ear protection, Steel Challenge legal handgun or long gun, 5 magazines (most divisions) and a desire to be safe/learn.  Tube fed long guns are not permitted.  Bring 250 rounds ammo. Wait until after your first few matches to shop for more gear.













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